The Earth Awakens

"And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul."  

- John Muir


I have always felt that spring in the Midwest is a magical time. Nature is in flux as all around there are signs of the dramatic transformation underway - from the gray cold days of winter to the lush vegetation and warm nights. It is as if a green mist is settling over the trees as leaves burst forth and green plants gain root everywhere. This is a time marked by the appearance of the fragrant yellows, reds, and blues of spring flowers. And in the midst of this beauty the animals are active. It seems as if the whole world is waking from a deep sleep.

One of my favorite places at this time of year is the Cincinnati Nature Center (actually located in Milford, Ohio). The Nature Center sits on over 1000 acres of wooded land with more than 60 acres of old growth forest! Hiking in these woods in early June, I decided to stop at one of my favorite ponds which dot the landscape. An ethereal oasis of water and light, the pond appears to suddenly materialize from the thick blanket of trees. The pond with its languid waters provides an opening to the blue sky above.

As I made my way down the foot path toward the pond, I could hear the frogs as they rhythmically jumped from shore with a soft plunk. They left only small ripples on the surface as they hid in the safety of the still water, thick with early lotus growth.

There is a small wooden platform that cuts across the far end of this pond. It is a peaceful place to sit and take in the surroundings. On this day the air possessed the promise of the returning warmth. The late-afternoon light was beginning to cast a few strong shadows as the golden sun slowly made its way below the tree line. There was no sound save for the occasional call of a bird or the rapid tapping of a distant woodpecker.

One of my favorite things to do when entering an area like this is to sit quietly and observe the surroundings. After some time an amazing thing happens in the woods as the movements and sounds of the natural world slowly unfurl. Sitting still that afternoon I realized just how quiet the pond had become with my arrival. Slowly at the edge of my hearing, I could sense the water stir as a frog would pop its head above the water. Birds began to return with flight and sound. A brightly colored cardinal and his mate flitted among the branches nearby. There was an occasional croak of a frog as it crawled from the water to take its station along the bank once more. Looking closely in the pond, I could see tadpoles swimming randomly to the surface and small fish dart about.

I spotted a small frog to my left with its head poking through the thick water. I was immediately struck by the metallic quality of its skin and how perfectly it blended into the surrounding water and vegetation. I was fortunate to capture a few images of that encounter.


Passing Time in the Northwest